C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E, Good for the Soul!

C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E, Good for the Soul!

No wheat. No gluten. No caffeine. No sugar. No Dairy. No fruits. The never ending list of what you shouldn’t eat.

It is a wonder how we remain sane!

We all want to be healthy and happy. Right!dark-chocolate-gallery-x

Well, sometimes we have to take pleasure in an unpleasant situation. My vice: dark chocolate. (It was even before it was found that it had many healthy benefits.)

Hey! It’s good in relieving stress!

Did you know that dark chocolate may prevent or delay the onset of diabetes? You may even want to consider it as a nutritional snack. It reduces the risk of heart disease and improves vascular function.

Aha! Anti-inflammatory benefits!

Studies also show that the polyphenols that are found in cocoa may also stimulate the good microbes in the colon; the way it ferments in the gut also produces anti-inflammatory microbes.

Brain Fog Anyone?

Well, dark chocolate has also been found to greatly improve cognitive function in elderly people. If it is good for them, it may also help with our Lyme Brain!Brain Fog syndrome

Yes, I know sticking to your healthy eating is important, but I treat myself to dark chocolate.

It has several benefits: lowers blood pressure, increases HDL and protects LDL, it’s a great antioxidant, it contains minerals, it’s good for the skin, and good for tooth enamel. It has over 40 health benefits!

I’d say that’s a lot of great reasons why I indulge in dark chocolate! You have to treat yourself some times. Right!

The most important reasons that I eat dark chocolate: It tastes great! It makes me feel good!

Dark chocolate: Good for my soul! (In moderation of course.)

As always, quality is important, the better the quality of the chocolate, the better it is for the body.

Mm. Mm. Dark chocolate!