Lose Dose Naltrexone (LDN) – Wonder Drug For Lyme Disease & Other Chronic Illnesses?

thumbnailCAQL4QKRLose Dose Naltrexone (LDN) – Wonder Drug For Lyme Disease & Other Chronic Illnesses?

For months I have been coming across mention of the off-label use of a medication – low dose naltrexone (LDN) – and its remarkable usefulness in treating various illnesses, including Lyme disease, MS, cancer, Crohn’s disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and chronic viral infections such as HIV. Just by Googling “low dose naltrexone” I came across copious testimonials of people who are trying to help others by spreading the word of their sometimes dramatic improvements since adding LDN to their treatment protocols or even as a stand alone treatment (many of them suffering from neurological diseases such as MS, Parkinson’s and/or Lyme disease). Naturally curious as well as circumspect, I decided I would read whatever I could on the use of low dose naltrexone and then consult with my LLMD to see if he has had any experience in treating patients with it. It didn’t hurt to find out that low dose naltrexone has a long history of safety and lack of serious side effects. Read more.