North Carolina: Letter Writing Campaign Info

LetterWritingLetter Writing Campaign Info

“Lyme disease does NOT exist in North Carolina.” Have you been told this before? How can we change this perception among the NC medical community? Unfortunately, most doctors are completely unaware of this public health crisis. Those that are rely on insensitive lab testing that only reinforces their perception that Lyme does not exist in our state (despite three counties already declared endemic for Lyme).   One voice cannot change this. 1,000 voices can!

We ask for your participation in the 2013 Lyme Letter Campaign to NC Health Care Providers. You are an NC resident who suffers from Lyme or Lyme-like Illness (or are the friend, family member or caregiver of someone with Lyme). You were initially denied diagnosis and treatment only to subsequently seek the care of a doctor elsewhere. Read more to see how you can participate.

See what’s available in North Carolina.