Joy is the Simplest Form of Gratitude


I awoke the last two mornings smiling and happy. I just love my life and am thankful for everything I have.

I am thankful for a multitude of things: 

my great husband,

my “sweet pea”,

my only having sporadic fever and headaches now and then (no longer constant all day/all night, my decrease in neuropathy (almost nil),

my eye pain is gone,

my fatigue is not every day now,

my not having to use knee braces or a cane anymore,

my being able to read a book again,

my sensitivity to wearing clothes is gone,

my breasts don’t hurt anymore,

my rash has stopped spreading, etc.

A thankful heart is a happy heart.

I have a lot to be thankful for…I love my life. I know I am still taking the horrible meds Mepron, Lariam, and Minocycline and that could change in the next day, week, or month; but, I don’t worry about that I will enjoy every day as if it were my last. My husband survived a lay off this month but now talking of layoffs in January. However, I am not going to worry because I will enjoy this day as if it were my last.

Life is always throwing us curve balls, but I always remember that it is up to ME how it’s going to affect ME. I love my life and am thankful for what I DO have.


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