Laughter is good for the Soul


After having a phone consult with an LLMD and appointment, I have found out that not only is the Lyme active again but I have three other co-infections and a Liver fluke to boot!!!

Never give up!  Laughter is good for the soul. 

At this same time, my aunt found out that she may need a surgery that is very life-threatening and if she doesn’t do anything at all, she still won’t have much time left on this earth. I have been listening to her and know that I am very lucky. I have a wonderful life and will be able to stay and enjoy my time with family and friends.

I am determined that I am going to remain strong. I am not going to let this beat me. The pain in my eyes, headaches, brain fog, difficulty walking, shooting nerve pain, fever, chills, night sweats, etc., are not going to bring me down! My family and friends tell me that I don’t let them know how I am feeling.

The fact is, that despite all, I still love my life! I enjoy it. I know that I am on this earth only for a given time and I am going to make the most of it! I will try to be there for others that need an ear, a hand, or just a friendly smile. If I can offer some advice, I will try my best to help.

The other night when I was having some pretty bad chest pains along with other things, my husband became worried. He started checking my vitals and had a hard time finding my pulse…I couldn’t help myself. I said, “It’s official, I’m dead.”

He was mortified!  Then I started laughing and so did he. He just doesn’t get me sometimes. A laugh adds twenty minutes to your life. So, I plan on laughing a lot.  If you can’t laugh at yourself or your situation, what can you laugh at?

Lessons Learned:

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