Why You May Want to Add Turmeric to Your Diet!

turmericWhy You May Want to Add Turmeric to Your Diet!

Ayurveda means “the complete knowledge for long life.” In India, ayurvedic medicine is used a traditional medicine and turmeric has been in use for over 2500 years there. Also, I remember that in my life, I have known and worked with many from India and the other countries that use Turmeric for several medicinal purposes and long life. Many of them seem to have been quite healthy and happy.

Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D. in his blog also addresses the benefits of turmeric in your diet. He was also instrumental in Dr. Zhang writing his book, Lyme Disease and Modern Chinese Medicine, and Dr. Zhang has very high respect for Dr. Weil. Those of you that are familiar with me, I have nothing but the utmost respect for Dr. Zhang and his Lyme protocol. Also, as one that was unable to take many of the conventional anti-inflammatory or pain medicines, I felt it was important to search for other remedies that may supply some relief. There are many others that also rave of the benefits of turmeric.

●It has been used as an anti-inflammatory remedy which helps with arthritis and joint pain.

●It strengthens (in its raw form) cartilage and bones (bone loss).

●It is used as an antiseptic (in creams) for bruises, burns and cuts.

●It is used as a sleep aid usually in warm milk and popular as a tea in Japan.

●It is used to ease gastrointestinal discomfort.

●It has also been found to be beneficial in Alzheimer’s and Cancer patients. It has helped in prostate, breast, melanoma, and prevent it from spreading in some cases.

●The Chinese have been known to use it as a treatment for depression.

●It is known to be a “natural liver detoxifier”.

●It is also used to alleviate pain.

●It is also known to have antioxidant effects to protect your heart and liver.

There are several benefits of adding turmeric to your diet. These are only a few that I have listed. Research is still being continued to see the benefits it has for Cancer. As with anything, you must be aware of all the Precautions and Side Effects of Turmeric. You also must be open and honest with your doctor or health care provider and comfortable in working with them to see what is best for you.


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