My Mind Says Give Up! My Heart Won’t Let Me


I just can’t help it; maybe I’m too positive. I still love life and probably always will. I began this week not being able to wear clothes. It felt as if I was bruised all over my body. It also felt like I was burnt all over even breathing hurt. It lasted about two days, and each day after that it either became more bearable to me or was less–I’m not quite certain. My spine is still tender, but I make it a point to dress like I was going out somewhere. My short-term memory is short, short, short and, at times, nonexistent. I feel like I am watching myself through a movie and just can’t seem to get enough rest. The fatigue is just so intense at times.

I just look around and thank God for everything. I love my husband, my dog, my family, and my friends. I love looking at the mountains, the sunsets, the full moon, etc.  I just have this feeling that all will be OK. A sense of well-being and contentedness. I know I will get through this stronger in mind, body, and soul. We will all get through this I know, not all the same way, and the way we imagine but we will get through it. For we all have our purpose here on earth so I guess I better go and do what I can and enjoy every minute of life.

My mind says give up, but my heart won’t let me. As Evander Holyfield says:  “It is not the size of the man but the size of his heart that matters.”  I may add, it is also the strength of your heart too that matters. 

Gratitude:  Lessons Learned:  Inspiration:

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