Lyme Aware

Tag Archives: courage

Courage Doesn’t Always Roar

lionroaring“The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.” ~ General Norman Schwarzkopf

Courage Doesn’t Always Roar

Many of you are extremely ill and essentially have lost your lives, your families, friends, and livelihood. Your life, as you knew it, has been destroyed, worst of all, many have lost their hope and faith. Or, you are still mourning your life and the person that you used to be. That is why I was so torn and confused with what I am about to share with you.

On the one hand, I didn’t want to shatter your hope. I even thought that was it was for the greater good that I didn’t share this bit of news. But then, my feelings, as my younger sister so eloquently stated, is I do believe in miracles and that you can be cured and regain your life.

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Thank You For Being There


Thank you for being with me through this roller coaster of my life.

This little blurb is for those that are on the other side of this horrendous Disease. Last night as I sat and watched my husband in obvious discomfort, I experienced several different emotions. I went from fear to helplessness to anger to shame to worry to annoyance to relief to concern to fretting; the cycle kept repeating itself.

Then, I thought how difficult it must be for those that go every day observing the list of symptoms you go through, at times, every minute to every hour of the day. How angry and helpless they must feel. Just sitting back and not being able to do anything to help you. Then, when you are in the Emergency Room and trying to explain what is going on with your loved one and not being heard. While you are asking questions or adding to what your loved one has said, it is as if you are not there, totally ignored. For those that have not made a trip to the ER, great for you! However, for those that have whether it was for your wife, children, parents, etc. know what I am speaking about-it’s as if it’s just a one-way discussion.

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