Lyme Aware

Tag Archives: sickness

Thank You For Being There


Thank you for being with me through this roller coaster of my life.

This little blurb is for those that are on the other side of this horrendous Disease. Last night as I sat and watched my husband in obvious discomfort, I experienced several different emotions. I went from fear to helplessness to anger to shame to worry to annoyance to relief to concern to fretting; the cycle kept repeating itself.

Then, I thought how difficult it must be for those that go every day observing the list of symptoms you go through, at times, every minute to every hour of the day. How angry and helpless they must feel. Just sitting back and not being able to do anything to help you. Then, when you are in the Emergency Room and trying to explain what is going on with your loved one and not being heard. While you are asking questions or adding to what your loved one has said, it is as if you are not there, totally ignored. For those that have not made a trip to the ER, great for you! However, for those that have whether it was for your wife, children, parents, etc. know what I am speaking about-it’s as if it’s just a one-way discussion.

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Burying My Head in the Sand


I went through most of the whole weekend beginning with my awakening to only find that I could not hear a thing. The Doc said just to try this and wait until Monday for my Post Surgery Checkup/Hearing Test. First of all, silent movies are not the most entertaining, and I couldn’t get my TV to show the dialog as they do for the hearing impaired.

Come Monday and on my way to docs my hearing comes partially back. The hearing test comes out quite poorly.

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The War Has Begun


…”You must be strong now. You must never give up. And when people make you cry and you are afraid of the dark, don’t forget the light is always there”…

Well, here I go again! I had almost six wonderful years of being recovered from my chronic Lyme Disease. It was just a blessing. Now, after battling it out and thinking I will recover from my surgery in April, I am preparing for my battle once again. I may not win the War but I WILL ALWAYS WIN THE BATTLE. It has re-emerged in full, blown service. However, this battle is just beginning. I will emerge stronger and better than I was before. I SHALL WIN THIS BATTLE!!!

Life is always full of surprises and I will respond with a surprise of my own because I intend to win!

Lessons Learned:  Inspiration:  Gratitude: 

How It All Began with Lyme Disease

LymeWarsHow It All Began

After becoming completely debilitated six weeks after having a tick embedded in me, I recovered from Lyme after a year and half of treatment with conventional and modern Chinese medicine; I did well for six years. After surgery in 2009, the battle began again. It took a year of antibiotic and unconventional treatment to overcome Babesia. In my life, I have been able to overcome Babesia, Bartonella, and Lyme; I plan on remaining well.  (You may also want to read, What I Wish My PCP Knew. If more physicians knew about the seriousness,  if left untreated, I would not have had to lose my sight and motor skills.)

I have found that more are curious as to my experiences with these three beasts: Lyme, Babesia, and Bartonella. Thus, I am sharing with you “Woman Shares Ordeal with Lyme Disease” as it appeared in the Daily Jefferson County Union, my hometown newspaper, on February 11, 2010. Later, I shared my story again with Brandilyn Collins on her website. (below)

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