Lyme Aware

Tag Archives: loss of eye sight

Afraid of the Dark: My Faith Remains


You must be strong now. You must never give up! When people make you cry, or you are afraid of the dark, don’t forget the light is always there.

I know I heard this or read it somewhere. I need to remember; whether you can see it or not, the light is there. When you need strength, God is always there. I am getting a bit more worried lately that I will lose my sight. The eye pains are becoming more frequent, more intense and for longer durations. My sweetie noticed that I was becoming sensitive to light and suggested that I wear sunglasses.

The thing was, it was night time, and we were in our kitchen. I don’t want a repeat of losing my eyesight as I did previously with Lyme; I just don’t!

What happens when the strong and positive begin to falter?

I’m unsure what they do, but, I know what I’m going to do. I’m going to cherish every second that I can just in case the inevitable happens. Until then I’m going to push it out of my mind and love my life. Why worry over something that you have no control over anyway. I will just deal with it if it comes. I did say “if” because I have faith that everything will still be fine. I may shed a couple of tears, but I feel that I will be OK.

Gratitude:  Inspiration:


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