Another Dies: Was it Mercy or Act of Desperation?


This is a special post this weekend. I read this article: Daughter faces murder charges in mom’s death, by Jo Ciavaglia, Bucks County Courier Times. Although I certainly don’t know all of the details, it really bothered me. Why? There are so many families like theirs out there. I just can’t believe that there so many that are dealing with chronic Lyme and having a difficult time receiving treatment.   When they are able to find a doctor willing to treat them, they are faced with the hardships of paying for the treatment. Many, and I do mean many, have lost their homes. Others are very close to losing theirs.

“The two became homeless in July 2008 after losing to foreclosure their three-bedroom, two-bath rancher in the Crabtree section of Levittown. For several months they lived in a van until that broke down. They then moved into one of the camps where homeless people live in the woods in Bristol Township.   Venose-Olenchock reportedly had many health problems, including Lyme and heart disease. She did not have a job, but her daughter was a waitress at a local chain restaurant. “

Many of these families also have to deal with the toll it takes on each and every one in the family. That is, the family that stays around to assist those that are suffering and ill. Not only do they feel helpless, but they also feel anger. I know there are others that just would do anything to ease their loved ones’ pain. It takes a tremendous toll on each and every one mentally and physically. It often leads to acts of desperation.

I don’t know what led this woman to kill her mother. However, I just find it disturbing that, after all these years, people are still screaming to be heard and to be treated. Many of these that continue to suffer have to deal with this all alone. I know, I, myself, felt all alone and desperate at my worst.   However, I had a very strong, caring and devoted husband. We also had a very best friend that helped us out so much. But, what about those that don’t have a source for support?

I have been blessed with great family and friends that supported me. I also was able to receive and obtain treatment that I was able to recover. Now, I find that is my duty, as a survivor, to help those that still continue to suffer.   I ask of you, whether you have Lyme Disease or the other associated diseases, or whether you do not, to help those that continue to struggle to be heard. Help them receive the support that all the other organizations dealing with serious diseases receive, for these diseases may also become deadly if not treated quickly and appropriately. Please help these that continue to suffer by donating your time, your knowledge, or simply by donating to one of the non-profits that are striving to make a difference. (A list of several non-profit organizations is listed on this site. If you’d like to give to your local organization or one that you feel is dedicated to what you choose is important to you, please do so.   Your contribution would be immensely appreciated.)

I truly thank you for taking the time to read this. Feel free to add your comments especially if you know of someone in need of support whether it be emotionally or financially. Perhaps some one that may be able to help will lend a helping hand.

More related reading.

Many with Chronic Lyme Become Suidal – Dead man found on Greenwich Village street with mouth duct-taped killed himself, sources say.

All she lost: My sister’s battle with Lyme disease:  After a decade of unbearable side effects, she decided to end her life.
