Extraordinary Perseverance in Florida: We Stand as One


Lyme Event Highlights:

With ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance, all things are attainable

In Florida, on January 14, 2011, a group gathered together in their perseverance to be heard and to have others heard. In December, The Chicago Tribune, printed, what I call, biased and disreputable, article regarding Lyme Disease. Despite being seriously ill, a few Lyme patients were determined to show their disapproval of the fact that The Orlando Sentinel reprinted the story later that same month. They may look fine, as with other invisible diseases; however many of them were feeling quite poorly, but they have heart and soul. They were determined to stand up for those that were too ill to show and voice their opinions and concerns. Even Timothy Grey, Under the Eightball, travelled across a few states to speak and rally with them.

“Success is not measured by what you accomplish but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have  maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.”

When Allison saw the newspaper, the Orlando Sentinel, she saw it had reprinted the already infamous Chicago Tribune Dubious Diagnosis article regarding Lyme. She was furious and determined to voice and convey her disapproval. She began with a phone call and received the “We didn’t write it.”  This added more to Allison’s determination to address what I perceived as a slap to the faces of those Florida Lyme sufferers. Allison was instructed to write a letter; she did.FLRally2011-2  (Read more about Allison’s reasons.)

However, it was not enough, she rallied up a group to stand in front of the Orlando Sentinel building to show others that Lyme Disease is severely misunderstood and needs to be recognized as a serious disease.

“The greatest oak was once a little nut who held its ground.”

FLRally2011-3Alicia, along with the others, wanted to show her outrage as well as Allison. She, like others, obtained insufficient treatment for Lyme Disease. She feels it is important to let others know that the treatment guidelines need to be addressed and revised. She received six weeks of antibiotics and was told by her infectious disease doctor that she’d be alright—a few months later, the symptoms began once again and has seriously declined over the past few years and now her nervous system has been affected. Alicia says, “I want to bring awareness to the public sharing my story, and other stories of those suffering, not getting the health care they need.” It has “reached pandemic proportions and we need help now!”

“When you do nothing, you feel overwhelmed and powerless.  But when you get involved, you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better.”

Maria’s reasons for participating, although very similar, was specifically “to let the public know that there is Lyme Disease in Florida.” Despite knowing that”it was going to be a big physical and mental effort for me” she wanted to “bring awareness about Lyme Disease” and also would like those that are continuing to suffer to be able to receive “proper adequate treatment! “FLRallyJan2011-1


“When the world says, “Give up.” Hope whispers, “Try it one more time.”