Medical Marijuana-A Medical Solution?

scream“everyone is human and political opinions and judgment will never help anyone through the blinding pain that certain diseases can cause”

I found this opinion article, A Sensible Medical Solution, quite interesting. The debate over the use of medical marijuana will probably continue ‘til the end of time. It has been a heated subject in all areas of life—on the news, at home, and in the medical community. I know it has been discussed in my home life many times.

In my struggle with Lyme Disease and then a few years later with Babesia(my major problem) Lyme and Bartonella, I withstood a tremendous amount of pain every single day. I’ll have to say that I had it easier than a lot of people with chronic pain because of my high pain tolerance. Yet, I still dealt with my share. I am one that cannot take many of the pain or anti-inflammatory medications that are available; I also found that the medications used for nerve pain were also out of the question. Believe me, I tried quite a few other things too.  So, I was stuck dealing with it. My husband saw me struggle with it every day and it really bothered him.

Hence, the subject of medical marijuana entered our discussions many times. I felt it wasn’t necessary and I could deal with the hand I was dealt. He, on the other hand, felt if it could help alleviate my discomfort, why not. The dialogue would continue every few weeks when he just could no longer bear to see me in pain. I toughed it out and now I have been pain-free for months. Now, when I get a sinus headache or my back goes out, I cannot stand it. (I don’t consider either pain but just discomfort.) I still find it hard to believe that I endured the pain for so long. That is why, I find myself rather intrigued with Matt’s opinion. I empathize with him and others that live with chronic pain.

Now, I leave it to you to ponder in your thoughts.


Guest column: A sensible medical solution

By Matt X, February 1, 2011

Editor’s note: The last name, year and major of the author have been withheld because he discusses his past use of marijuana.

I am an honorably discharged Navy veteran with one deployment under my belt. I am also disabled and suffering from medical issues resulting from past life-threatening diseases: Lyme disease and dengue fever. Both of these diseases took a very serious toll on my body, and I now have recurring, severe and chronic pain — pain for which I am forced to take medication to get through daily activities the average person takes for granted. Although the pain does not affect me every single day, it can be debilitating when it does. I am only 24 years old.  I can’t deny the fact that I have used marijuana for recreational use in the past. Read more.

Lessons Learned:

Treatment Alternatives:
