Montana Lyme Support

montanaWithin these groups of individuals across the United States and other countries, there are fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters and so forth. As Dr. Jemsek states, “sooner or later” your family will be affected by this growing disease and you, too, will be trying to make a difference.

Montana ~ Lyme Disease Support Groups

Benjamin is not a native of Montana, but his heart was here. After receiving treatment and seeing much improvement, he returned to Montana and saw a need and has done his best to help others that need support in their battle against Lyme disease. “I felt like there needed to be some type of support group here so that others don’t go through what I went through.” He is very helpful in offering the resources that are available within the state.  He is also a great source for emotional support. He is always willing to help those in need.
You may contact Benjamin  Mahoney at the email address

Lyme-Aware is an independent organization and has no affiliation with this organization or individual.