New Jersey Lyme Support Groups
Within these groups of individuals across the United States and other countries, there are fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters and so forth. As Dr. Jemsek states, “sooner or later” your family will be affected by this growing disease and you, too, will be trying to make a difference.
New Jersey ~ New Jersey Lyme Support Groups
Long Valley LDSG
You may contact Nancy Braithwaite for more information. The group meets from 7 to 9 p.m. third Wednesday of every month at Our Lady of the Mountain Church on Schooley’s Mountain on the corner of Schooley’s Mountain Rd & E. Springtown.
Lyme Disease Association, Inc.
You may contact Pat Smith, President, at or go to their website at
Lyme Disease Support Group of Sussex County
You may contact Katie & Roy Reynolds or go to their website at The meetings are held at Lafayette Township Municipal Building, 33 Morris Farm Road, Lafayette, NJ 07848 (right off of Route 15).
LymeQuest Support Group and Advocacy Project
You may contact the group for more information at email The group meets usually the third Monday of every month.
Lyme Tick Borne Disease Support Group
You may contact Cynde Levans or Marie Moore for more information at . (Hewitt/West Milford)
Lyme Vaccine Victims
You may contact Jenny Marra RN at It is an online support forum for Lyme vaccine victims. Anyone that has been hurt by this vaccine is welcome.
Morristown Lyme Disease Support Group
You may contact Anita Glick at email The group meets usually the third Tuesday of every month at the Morristown Presbyterian Church Parish Building, 65 South St. Morristown, NJ. Please contact them for confirmation.
NJ Self-Help Group Clearinghouse
You may contact Ed Madara by email at or call 1-800-367-6274 (in NJ only) ask for the Lyme Support Group. You may also go to their website at The group helps people find and form self-help groups of all kinds in NJ – Lyme, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, disability groups, etc., at no-cost through our toll-free helpline.
Southern Ocean Co. Lyme Support Group
You may contact Rich by email at or go to the group website at Ship Bottom.
Sussex County Lyme Support
You may contact Tim Rowett by email at Vernon
West Essex Lyme Support Group
You may contact Susan Fredericks, RDH 973-907-2663 for more information.
Lyme-Aware is an independent organization and has no affiliation with this organization or individual.