Thank You for Your Donations

The funds that are received will be used to maintain the domain and hosting of this website; annual health fairs and school presentations; and to continue to raise awareness, showcase the organizations and individuals that are striving to make a difference. The rest of the donations will be allocated to the following organizations to fill certain needs within the Lyme community:

ILADSInternational Lyme and Associated Disease Society – Physicians Training Program

“This physician training program will train the next generation of physician-scientists who will be future leaders in the treatment of Lyme and Associated Diseases.  The ILADEF Physician Training Program, a groundbreaking project vital to fostering excellence in care for Lyme disease patients, directly addresses challenges in properly diagnosing and treating Lyme and other tickborne diseases. The Training Program provides medical and other healthcare practitioners the opportunity to study with Lyme-literate healthcare professionals. Through this experience, participants will develop the skills necessary to properly diagnose and treat Lyme disease. These professionals will be able to return to their community with enhanced skills and the ability to provide superior care to Lyme patients, improving the health and quality of life for those that suffer from the most debilitating effects of Lyme disease.”

Lymelight_FoundationLymelight Foundation – Grants

“Our mission is to provide grants to enable eligible children and young adults with Lyme disease to receive proper treatment and medication as well as raising awareness about Lyme disease.  The Foundation awards grants to eligible children and young adults ranging from 3 – 25 years of age. It is the goal and the hope of the Foundation that thorough these grants children can receive proper treatment and medications in their fight against Lyme disease.”

Thank you for your generosity!


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