They Don’t Exist: The Ignored and Forgotten: (“Faces of Lyme” by Lisa Schultz-Hilton)


What if you were told that it can’t be Lyme Disease, it doesn’t exist here? What if you were told that the way you are feeling is just “all in your head”? What if you had the bulls-eye rash and were told it can’t be Lyme? What if you know when all your symptoms and problems started, but the doctors you are seeing say just won’t listen to you? What if you are told that “it’s just coincidental”?

“Faces of Lyme”  by Lisa Schultz-Hilton (15 min.)


There are thousands of people, just like this, confronting those same issues each and every day. There even was a documentary, Under Our Skin, made of individuals just like that made and how they struggled to be heard. I experienced it first-hand.

I had the tick, the bulls-eye rash, but was told that it was “just coincidental” and “just learn to accept it” looking back and seeing that all your problems began after the discovery of the tick. You also remember that the initial script of antibiotics helped and you began feeling yourself again.

Yet, as your husband and friends see you quickly deteriorating in front of their eyes; not one single doctor is listening to you or them. Before you know it, you’ve completely disappeared and are unable to care for yourself. Thank goodness I found someone that referred me to Dr. Sam Donta a Lyme literate medical doctor who has done a great job challenging the IDSA Panel guidelines.

Are you a person that would be comfortable knowing that there are thousands suffering that are screaming to be heard and you have turned a deaf ear on them? If you have any doubt that this is really happening, take a look at the Lyme documentary, Under Our Skin. Lisa’s video “Faces of Lyme” is only a very minute number of those that have had a very difficult time in recovering from the supposedly “easy to cure” Lyme Disease.

Take a look at the large number of Facebook fans beginning with which was unofficially launched a couple of months ago. Then look at those fan numbers of organizations such as ILADS (over 2500), Under Our Skinthe Lyme Disease AssociationLymenaide (about 1900), CALDA (about 1600), PJ LanghoffPamela Weintraub (about 800), etc. (You will find all their links on this site.) You’ll see those large numbers following them on Twitter also.

There are also large groups of Lyme Disease Support groups, for instance, MDJunction, which has over 3,000 members and this site isn’t purely a Lyme disease website or Lyme F.R.I.E.N.D.S. (approximately 2000). If you continue and look at the websites and blogspots that are dedicated to Lyme Disease you will see that there is a very large group of chronic Lyme Disease sufferers (as well as the other associated diseases i.e., Babesia, Bartonella, etc.). They all want to be heard. All these people are looking for answers or hope. Give them that hope which they so richly deserve.

“Faces of Lyme 2” by Lisa November 24, 2010


Read More about chronic Lyme Disease and why they are still screaming, “please hear me”, in the following articles.   

Chronic Lyme: “We Aren’t That Rare” Ashley van Tol, Lymenaide

Normal by Tiffany G. Another dedication to those that continue their battles with Lyme disease and other associated diseases.  (video 6:51 min.)

Another Perspective of Lyme Disease, by David Itkin, Fosters August 21, 2010

20 Reasons Why Lyme Disease Is Underdiagnosed, Kaiser Papers.

“The Tragedy Is That Sometimes Really Serious, Treatable Diseases Are Ignored”, Few Docs Spot ‘Chronic’ Lyme Disease, Newsmax Health, Oct. 25, 2010

Lyme Events Highlights: