Was the form of chronic Lyme Disease biologically engineered?


As some of you have read before, I am a firm believer that not all cases of Lyme discovered are chronic and, if treated early enough, you will recover just fine.  The small percentages of people, which are still thousands of thousands, who are not “one size fits all” are being allowed to suffer needlessly. In the Jefferson County Daily Union, Feb. 2010, I stated: “The CDC and IDSA’s contention is that long-term antibiotics do more harm than good which leads me to these questions: … Why is it that the CDC or the IDSA is not open to the idea that some require more treatment than others? Could those that believe that the chronic form of Lyme is an experiment that went awry which came from a lab such as Lab 257 (Plum Island)? Could those supporters of that theory be correct in assuming that is why there is so much unrelenting opposition that chronic Lyme does not exist? I don’t know. “

Since then an episode aired on the Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura on October 15, 2010 (Eps. 8), “Plum Island”—“Jesse storms Congress to find out if the government is conducting dangerous experiments at the Plum Island Animal Research Center off the coast of Long Island. The center, which began as a bio-warfare lab run by former Nazi scientists, has been blamed for spreading diseases and viruses throughout the mainland, including African swine flu and Lyme disease.”

My thoughts after viewing this further solidifies that my best friend, may he rest in peace, was certainly onto something. I had heard of Eric Traub before this episode aired. My friend mentioned when he was in the military that he worked at one of “those” labs. Unfortunately, I didn’t get any specifics. Jesse touched upon a few of the things he mentioned when he was researching this theory. There was something that was said on the show that I haven’t been able to shake from my mind. As the ex-worker of Plum Island describes “the people were going around putting duct tape around the outside doors on the bio-containment area trying to ~ and contain whatever might be getting out” during a power outage in 2002.

Jesse Ventura spoke with Dr. Roger Breeze, Former Director of Plum Island; he is now one of the chief scientists in the biological weapons program. Jesse pressed him on the history and creator of Plum Island, Traub, “he was a Nazi his expertise was biological warfare infecting mosquitoes and wood ticks; he created it.” He then pursued it with a question regarding experiments being conducted strictly on animals. Dr. Breeze in his stammering to answer the question stated:   “some of the infections also infect people.”   This negated what was said by Congressman Bishop (NY) that was told that “the only diseases that are studied at Plum Island are animal-borne diseases that do not spread to humans.”   I guess what really bothers me is that Dr. Breeze did not directly answer Jesse’s question: “Did Lyme Disease originate at Plum Island?” Dr. Breeze went on stating that the workers were only human and that employees were asked not to have animals at their homes; in a nutshell, security was based on an honor system. The conversation continued to state that infections were carried off the Island. So, what is to prevent those same employees carrying diseases such as Lyme Disease, West Nile, and others? What also has me concerned is the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility that is being built in Kansas in the middle of the University. If the security of Plum Island is so lax, then what in the world will happen if there is a security breach in the middle of the United States?

Related Articles and Videos:

Jesse Ventura’s Trip to Plum Island, by Roger Catlin on October 15, 2010

Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura talks about Plum Island, human experimentation in season 2 premiere episode (Video) by Linda Shaw


Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura. All four parts on Plum Island which aired October 15, 2010. 

Jesse Ventura on TruTV, Tick & Stones, . . . . .Memoirs from a Lyme Literate Advocate™ & Other Rants (Video Q&A) October 15, 2010

Under the Eightball, movie.