What are Some Lyme Highlights of 2012?

thumbnailCAJHSDRAWhat are Some Lyme Highlights of 2012?

In the last couple months of the year, you reflect on what you are thankful for, what you are hopeful for and your reflections on the past. You also dream and hope what the New Year will bring.

It is a time of reflection for me once again of the year 2012. Looking back brings about things that are joyful, hopeful and, also, the pitfalls.

My personal health journey was quite calm compared to years past. In my blog, I shared the small road bump that I began with this year, albeit, it was very small and ended up being a great year. The road was smooth but my marathon still continues, but at a more leisurely and pleasant pace. I continue to do what is necessary to maintain the current status quo of being well. Throughout the year I remained on naturals such as Noni, Samento, Quina, Apo-hepat, to name a few and continue to watch what I eat and remain gluten free. I remain vigilant in watching my mercury levels and other metals since that has been an ongoing issue with me which introduced me to KPU/HPU treatment last year; this year to DMPS injections which was quite an experience I’d say. imagesCAWF9H18I also had my first Myers cocktail to help boost my immune system to fight this nasty virus that had been going around in our neighborhood. A big thing for me personally was that I was able to regain some treasured memories. You know, the kind that bring tears to your eyes or make you laugh to the point you are about to wet your pants.

However, the highlights for this year were several that dealt with those individuals that continue the efforts to spread Lyme Disease awareness as well as other tick-borne diseases. Those that I thought were astronomical were when the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society’s message appeared on the Jumbotron at the Super Bowl and Daytona Speedway this year. How awesome was that!!!


It was great in January when Congressmen Smith, Wolf, and Gibson called on the National Guidelines Clearinghouse (NGC) to remove the IDSA’s outdated Lyme guidelines. You definitely need to read “LYMEPOLICYWONK: Congressmen Call For Removal of Outdated IDSA Guidelines from National Guideline Clearinghouse” and take a look at the Petition with over 25,000 signatures.

Major highlights that were very hopeful: One, the Embers Monkey study that shows Lyme bacteria persists in monkeys after antibiotic treatment which Lorraine Johnson in her LymePolicyWonk blog does a great job outlining it for you.   Two, the ever hopeful research that UNH Dr. Eva Sapi which shows the key to Lyme treatment resistance.  There also was the introduction of better testing for humans and pets. 

thumbnailCAQL4QKRSome of the good highlights of this year: We began in the Midwest where the “Country doc” loved by many was able to go back to treating his Lyme patients, to Lyme Disease being listed as the Top Censored Stories for 2012. The list continues to grow throughout the year: The Lyme Protest of the IDSA Guidelines in San Diego, Australia’s first Lyme Protest, Dr. Phil airing a segment on Lyme Disease, Maryland’s Lyme Disease Awareness bill and recognition by the press of Pat Smith, Lyme Disease Association, and Phyllis Mervine, LymeDisease.org formerly the California Lyme Disease Association.

Wisconsin’s 2nd Annual Lace Up for Lyme, Cureoke, Lyme Survivors and Warriors running for Lyme, Lyme Floats in parades, a Lyme Light Fashion Show, all the way to first graders sharing awareness. And, a new Lyme Documentary Film in the works!

In addition, efforts to educate other on Lyme Disease from Ireland planning one of its first Lyme Conferences, to Conferences and Roundtables across the U.S. and worldwide including the ILADS convention.   The efforts of Letters for Lyme continued, several Lyme Disease 5K walks and runs across the U.S., to U.S representatives from various states acknowledging Lyme Disease and Lyme Chats on Facebook.lessons_learned_small1

Some memorable lessons learned this year: One lesson that will probably go down in the IDSA’s book of what it means to go viral on Facebook is when they dared to asked: “What would you like to see from your society in the coming year?” This resulted in a 250 page report of comments on their wall.

Great losses of the year: They were the losses to the Lyme Community that will be felt for a long time to come: The loss of a good friend, author, Lyme Warrior, Les Roberts, in March which is best known for his book, The Poison Plum and the loss of a cherished and beloved doctor, Dr. Kim Saxe, which was a beacon of hope and light for many. heartAlso, the loss of about 30 of those Lyme Warriors that now are resting in peace and are no longer with us. Then, of course, the battle continues in the appeal of Dr. Charles Jones, a pediatrician loved by many children and which many parents are thankful for, which is in need of financial assistance to continue legal representation. The what some call “witch hunts” still continue on those doctors that continue to care for Lyme patients outside of the treatment guidelines across the country.

The Unpopular or Not so Liked: A few new theories that was somewhat familiar such as the Amber Theory. And the not so popular one that “new infection, not relapse” is the cause for lingering symptoms.ThumbsDown

Lyme in the News: JPMorgan’s Downfall and why Lyme was involved, not to mention the election and Mitt Romney’s campaign addressing Lyme Disease. Hence, hurting the feelings of many that still suffer and continue to battle the harsh realities of Lyme Disease and their lingering symptoms to lead many to ask for an apology from the press.books

There were also several great books that were published this year covering Lyme Disease and other tick-borne diseases:

  • Treatment of Chronic Lyme Disease;
  • The Fourth Monkey: An Untold History of the Lyme Disease Epidemic;
  • Nature’s Dirty Needle: What You Need to Know About Chronic Lyme Disease and How to Get the Help To Feel Better ;
  • What You May Not Know About Bartonella, Babesia, Lyme Disease and Other Tick & Flea-Borne Infections: Improving Treatment Speed, Recovery & Patient Satisfaction;
  • The Tick Slayer Book – Beating Lyme Disease and Winning!;
  • Out of the Woods : Healing Lyme Disease–Body, Mind & Spirit;
  • Beyond Lyme Disease: Healing The Underlying Causes of Chronic Illness in People with Borreliosis and Co-infections;
  • Katrina’s Recovery from Mysterious Disease ~ Kiss your Lyme, CFS, Fibromyalgia and other “invisible” illnesses Good-Bye;
  • Herbal Antibiotics, 2nd Edition: Natural Alternatives for Treating Drug-resistant Bacteria; and
  • What You Need to Know About Chronic Lyme Disease and How to Get the Help To Feel Better.

thumbnailCA4AROMCIt seems that progress is being made but for those that are still suffering and hurting, change is not soon enough. While the controversy still continues, those that need medical attention now and want to return to a normal life, changing the treatment guidelines or finding a cure can’t come soon enough. My wish for the coming year is to free those from their aches and pains and for those that need a cure, to receive one soon.