Yes, I Believe in Miracles!

thumbnailCA0ZOYVXLast night I saw a post asking: “Do you believe Doctors can cure Lyme? Support your viewpoint.” It was a great and informative discussion with important supporting ideas. No surprise here, some said, yes, and others said there is no way; you can only put Lyme into a state of remission. Even Lyme disease sufferers cannot agree. However, I truly believe, as some mentioned, that anything can be cured—miracles happen every day—so why not!

If I had not believed that I could be cured, I would have not taken all the chances and went ahead with the controversial and unconventional methods of treatment to be free of all my beasts. I would still be sitting in the dark, in a feebly weakened state, sad and lonely. I would probably still need assistance from my friend and husband in accomplishing the smallest of tasks.

Yet, today, I have been sitting outside here on my deck. And, as I sit here, I’m catching up on my emails, Facebook, laundry, and absorbing all the beauty that surrounds me. The smell of pine trees is in the air. I can hear the birds chirping, the squirrels chattering, the rustling of the leaves on the trees, in the far off distance a rooster crowing and the roar of a motorcycle. I look out and see the mountains, the silhouettes of more behind them and the slow movement of the clouds as they continue to fill up the sky. I feel the warmth of the sun strengthening as it continues shifting through the sky. I am able to do all of these things at once; it is just so wonderful! What an amazingly beautiful day here!

What’s the big deal? Right! Well, there was a time when I couldn’t accomplish those, what some of you think, simple things. There were days when I couldn’t even gather the strength to lift my body, for that matter, even my head. There were times, when I would have loved to be able to see what was straight in front of me. Or, that I could look up into the sky to see the stars as I could do during the day to see the sun. I was only able to stumble around holding onto furniture and touching the walls just to make it around my bedroom. Years later, I remember the nights when I was so uncomfortable and could not sleep, sitting on my deck watching in awe the meteor showers in the sky or the brilliance of all the stars, while watching the wind rustling through the trees and, yet, not be able to hear a sound. I remember, as I would sit or lie down, being in so much pain that I could not bear to sit still. Then, the other days, it was totally the opposite, I would feel the sensation of numbness but a kind of uncomfortable tingling that would be equally unbearable. With each day, I would arise with a sense of horror and fear, for I would not know what unpleasant sensation would rear its ugly head.

Now, with each new day, I am marveled by all the amazing things that I am surrounded by and look forward to experiencing many more new and wondrous things that I have yet to explore and learn.   I can once again show my family and friends affection by giving them a hug without holding my breath in pain. So, if you ever stop to ask me: “Do you believe in miracles?” I would wholeheartedly answer: Yes! For, I believe that a miracle has been bestowed upon me. I have been blessed!
