A Spoonful of Faith Gets the Medicine Down


I awoke today and thought that my hearing would be back to normal, well, at least as normal as it has been—minus the left ear. The feverish and weakness feeling were gone. I didn’t feel like I had been brutally beat up and left on the side of the road. For that matter, it didn’t feel like I got hit by a Mack truck. The looking-glass feeling was not present—it didn’t feel like I was watching myself from outside. My knees were a bit swollen and sore. The ringing still was there…will this incessant ringing finally stop! You know, I think I’d rather have the pain and achiness and have my hearing back…watching TV and just having a conversation is the real pits lately. I hate being in a crowded room all I can see are people smiling, laughing, mesmerized, or intrigued by someone who is animatedly chatting along. My stomach seems to always hurt now and the nausea is quite overwhelming at times…but I manage, somehow. Not to mention taking the meds all the time, I am really hating to take all those meds…it seems that I am constantly having to take some pill or another. If it’s not a pill, it’s some kind of liquid crap. As I sit here now, my knees are aching and throbbing.

There are times that I’m not certain if it’s the Babesia or the meds that are making me feel so ill. Other times, I am hopeful that once I am through with all these meds that my hearing will be back to normal. Is this utterly, complete blind faith? Am I a fool for feeling that way? I am sure many people would probably think I am a fruit?

Well, that’s enough whining for today. It definitely could be a lot worse, I know. I am very, very lucky that I am doing as well as I am. I am really grateful for everything that I do have…I have a fantastic sweetheart, dog, family, friends…I can read a book, walking is so much easier now, I don’t hurt all the time every day, the brain fog is gone, my memory is improving, a great house, nice things, great food…I have so much!

Lessons Learned:  Pearls of Insight: