Lyme Aware

Category Archives: Lydia’s Journey

Blast to the Past

Success!!  Blast to the Past

Ten years ago, I had no idea that the hot flashes, chills, and fatigue I was experiencing at my class reunion were the beginning of a complete change in my life!   I remember someone giving me a hard time telling me it was menopause…I laughed. As we drove home from our trip, I began having more of a difficult time getting in and out of the car when we stopped for gas. By the time we made it home, I could barely walk and had a whopping headache.ReflectionRainbow

“Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed.”

I sit here and write this blog looking back. I decided that I wanted to recapture my past and hopefully remember some of those lost years. During this trip, I took time to visit old places in hopes of sparring some of my past memories. (Lucky I didn’t listen to those doctors that told me to just accept my fate.) The first night at my class reunion, a fellow classmate comes up and asks: “Do you remember me?” I struggled to remember and I just couldn’t. He says: “How can you not remember me, I sat next to you for four years.” I hadn’t a clue. (I even took the time to cram, before we left, with my yearbooks, but nothing came.) Finally, he stated his name.

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