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Tag Archives: chronic illness

Feeling Low. But, I Have so Much to Be Thankful for!

For most that are battling chronic illness/pain or battling treatment, the holidays are especially difficult. I have been teetering with mixed emotions myself lately like I can’t take it anymore, I can’t do this anymore, and, when it gets worse, “I’m done.” So, I decided to make a list of the things that I am grateful for right now.
• I’m thankful that I am able to see now.
• I’m thankful that I am able to hear now.
• I’m thankful that I am able to speak without stuttering now.
• I’m thankful to be able to walk without shuffling or without constant pain and without assistance.
• I’m thankful that I am not constantly gasping for air.
• I’m thankful that I no longer am dealing with the fibromyalgia pain that plagued me 24/7.
• I’m thankful that I no longer experience migraines 24/7 for days, weeks, and even months straight.
• I’m thankful that my hands and arms no longer shake uncontrollably.
• I’m thankful that I no longer deal with constant nausea.
• I’m thankful that I am able to read and form a complete thought.
• I’m thankful that I no longer have daily chest pains.
• I’m thankful that when I breathe, I don’t want to scream in pain.
• I’m thankful that I don’t have constant insomnia.
• I’m thankful that I am no longer bedridden or homebound.
• I’m thankful that I only occasionally deal with the peripheral neuropathy symptoms.
• I am thankful that I only occasionally deal with brain fog, and it is no longer constant.
• I’m thankful that I have a normal body temperature.
• I’m thankful that I am able to accomplish the daily rituals that most of us take for granted, like combing my hair, showering, brushing my teeth, cleaning the house, preparing meals, etc.
• I’m thankful that most of my arthritic and nerve pain is minimal.
• I’m thankful that I have regained some memories that I thought were gone and lost forever.
• I’m thankful that I no longer suffer from constant ear and sinus infections. In fact, it’s been years!
• I’m thankful that there are days that I feel well-rested and no longer feel “tired” all the time.
• I’m thankful that I am stronger physically and mentally than I had been before when my life was easier when I was healthy, and I took the daily and little things for granted.
The things I am most thankful for
• My sweetheart who has stood by me all these years with all my ups and downs. Despite us not being able to achieve what most married couples dream of such, as a great home with successful and fulfilling professions that we enjoy. A loving home filled with our kids and their kids all in good health. A vacation home to escape to get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. He is still here helping me out when I need it. Thank you!
• My furbabies that bring me joy and strength each and every day 24/7. They love me unconditionally, and they inspire me to enjoy each and every moment and each and every day and night. The zest they have for life inspires me to do the same.
• The family and friends that have been there even when I am unable to participate in all the family events or fun outings. So, thankful for those of you that helped me out by walking or playing with the dogs, cooking a few meals, helping with dishes or shoveling, but, best of all, just reaching out when my spirit needed boosting or when I felt so sad and lonely. You have no idea how much it has meant that you are still here by me through the good days and the bad.
• And, last but not least, the new friends and warriors that have come into my life and taught me that even when I’m feeling broken that there is so much out there in life to enjoy every day!
I’m sure I have missed many more things that I should be grateful for, but I think this is a great start.
Thank you, everyone! Have a happy, healthy, and blessed Thanksgiving.


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