Lyme Aware

Category Archives: Lymelight – Colorado

Colorado: The Invisible Disabilities Association

IDA2010-2Within these groups across the United States and other countries, there are fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters and so forth. As Dr. Jemsek states, “sooner or later” your family will be affected by this growing disease and you, too, will be trying to make a difference.

“In the Lymelight” ~ The Invisible Disabilities Association

Sherri and Wayne are a son, daughter, entrepreneurs, advocates, and supporters.  The Connell’s are devoted in the efforts to help those with invisible diseases that cause great pain and suffering. Sherri battled with chronic symptoms that ranged from chronic headaches, fatigue, strep-throat, fevers, bronchitis and pneumonia to more serious neurological problems with daily symptoms of bone-crushing fatigue, unbearable exhaustion, torturous pain, memory loss, cognitive dysfunctions, vertigo, migraines, nausea, difficulty breathing, blurred vision, etc. this led to her paralysis and an MS diagnosis for several years. Only later to find out it was Late Chronic Lyme Disease.  (Read the award-winning author’s story by Sherri:  A Lifetime in 27 Years.)

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