Lyme News


Please Assist the New York State Coalition on Lyme & Tick-borne Diseases

Send Your Letters Deadline is April 8th Dear fellow Lyme patient and Lyme patient advocates, I know you have received ...

Letter from TBDA re Lyme Disease Bill in New York

Dear Friends,   I hope this letter finds you well. As you may have heard, Governor Cuomo expressed his intention ...

The MayDay Project Protest October 11, 2014

October 10, 2014 - CANDLELIGHT VIGIL- 6:00-9:00 PM TIMELINE OF EVENTS FOR OCTOBER 10th-11th October 10, 2014 CANDLELIGHT VIGIL- 6:00-9:00 ...

Lyme Disease Awareness Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Lyme Disease Awareness Contacts:  Eva Haughie Empire State Lyme Disease Association, Inc. Office: (631) 905-8513 Fax: (631) ...

Cairns Dad Spents Months Bedridden After Tick Bite

Cairns Dad Spents Months Bedridden After Tick Bite A CAIRNS father who has spent months hospitalised and bedridden, battling for ...


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