Lyme Aware

Tag Archives: adrenal

Dead Tired? Barely Functioning? More on Adrenal Fatigue

BearlyFunctioningDead Tired? Bearly Functioning? More on Adrenal Fatigue

In Dead Tired – Burnt Out – Falling Asleep? Why? I covered some symptoms of adrenal fatigue here’s a recap of which I may have already mentioned and others that I may have not, symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue:

  • Waking up in the mid-portion of the night
  • Unable to fall asleep
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Increased susceptibility to infections
  • Midday Fatigue
  • Reduced tolerance for stress
  • Craving for sweets and salty foods
  • Allergies to things you were never allergic to before
  • Chemical sensitivities
  • A tendency to feel cold (many people and doctors think they have hypothyroidism).

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Dead Tired – Burnt Out – Falling Asleep. Why?

asleepDead Tired – Burnt Out – Falling Asleep.
Adrenal Fatigue or Lyme?

Since my horrific experience with Lyme and Babesia, I have been a major advocate of being proactive in your health. This includes listening to your body and following those signals that it sends out. It also includes thinking outside the box; also, following the less-travelled roads, unlike many in the medical community frown upon, which I attribute to how well, I have been.

Lately, it seems that I have been dead tired for no reason, having trouble getting up in the morning, just feeling run down and dragging throughout the day, and just simply too tired to do anything.

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