How It All Began with Lyme Disease

LymeWarsHow It All Began

After becoming completely debilitated six weeks after having a tick embedded in me, I recovered from Lyme after a year and half of treatment with conventional and modern Chinese medicine; I did well for six years. After surgery in 2009, the battle began again. It took a year of antibiotic and unconventional treatment to overcome Babesia. In my life, I have been able to overcome Babesia, Bartonella, and Lyme; I plan on remaining well.  (You may also want to read, What I Wish My PCP Knew. If more physicians knew about the seriousness,  if left untreated, I would not have had to lose my sight and motor skills.)

I have found that more are curious as to my experiences with these three beasts: Lyme, Babesia, and Bartonella. Thus, I am sharing with you “Woman Shares Ordeal with Lyme Disease” as it appeared in the Daily Jefferson County Union, my hometown newspaper, on February 11, 2010. Later, I shared my story again with Brandilyn Collins on her website. (below)

I have also shared my story on suspense author, Brandilyn Collins’, site, Lyme-Over the Edge, “I Will Beat these Beasts” on July 27th and July 30th, 2010. This is a recap of the story as seen in the Daily Jefferson County Union, which ultimately leads to my actually beating these beasts and attaining full recovery.


Sidebar Note:  The majority of the Lyme literate physicians I worked with were under the impression that my body’s immune system was strong enough to fight the tick-borne diseases.  It was this one last tick that just broke the camel’s back so to speak.  It is probably why I was knocked down to intensely and so quickly.  Although with these beasts, there are no easy and clear cut answers. 

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