Lose my Sight? (Again?)

superdog_by_william_krusche_via_flickr_2501Yes, I got scared! Three days in a row I had sharp pains, like pins poking in my left eye. Why did I get scared? Because the first time around I had these symptoms and I lost my sight. Albeit, it was short-lived but an experience I would never like to repeat. Lucky my “baby girl” sensed it before I knew it was coming. (Superdog!) She threw herself at me until I sat down and she was on me…seconds later it was black. She’s my special companion–she’s now 12. My pooch was paralyzed from Lyme Disease a year and a half later from her neck down her body; she recovered.  That’s another long story.

Along with all the other symptoms, I have had and am dealing with this one worries me the most. However, Sunday was a terrific day I felt like myself almost. You have to love those great days. But I still have faith that I will be better and stronger than I was before.  I just have to keep in mind as the LLMD stated about steroids “they are POISON, I mean POISON to your body.” Not that I made my previous decision lightly. I knew the risks and after a good cry was ready to deal with it.

If what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger, than many of us here on this site would be much, much, stronger than Superman. Lol  

Lessons Learned:  Pearls of Insight:  Gratitude:

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