Lyme Aware

Tag Archives: life

Celebrating Life! Lessons Learned

Today we have been married for 24 yrs. I’m so blessed and lucky to have my sweetheart in my life. It has been a very rocky road because of all my health issues including chronic Lyme.

So today I’m celebrating totally and wholeheartedly. I am going to make filet mignon, baked cod and potatoes, and mixed vegetables. I am going to enjoy every morsel of it too with no guilt. I am also celebrating life too.

With my aunt at death’s door, I realized that I get to enjoy the sunsets, snowfalls, rainfalls, and my “sweet pea” who always gives me unconditional love, sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, friends and all of those simple little pleasures, including this website.

My aunt has made realize how precious my life is despite all those annoying, at times painful, symptoms. I will always remember her and cherish those valuable lessons I have learned from her.  Most of all, life is precious!  Enjoy what you have.

You only get one life.  Live it! 

Gratitude:  Lessons Learned:


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