Lyme Aware

Tag Archives: hope

This Stupid Roller Coaster Ride!

77980hulk1I have been crying the last three days straight, and I am very weepy.  So, I need to vent.

I am just so freaking tired of all of this crap:

losing my hair,

this stupid rash,

taking all of these horrible pills,

taking all these horrible liquid meds and herbs,

my stomach being all icky most of the time,

getting headaches and eye pain when I try to read,

having migraines daily,

my eyes becoming sensitive to light again,

feeling needles and pins in my eye,

numbness and tingling in my feet and hands,

tenderness all long my spine,

being so tired no matter how long I sleep,

having stiff and achy joints,

being so weak at times,

the intermittent nerve pain,

this stupid roller coaster ride,

not being in control of my body,

and feeling so blue each new cycle,

and, most of all, for feeling this way right now.

Maybe this all came to a head because the anniversary of my two best friends’ deaths was yesterday.  Or, the news that my aunt has at most eight weeks to live. 

So very, very angry with myself right now, for feeling this way right now.

(Let yourself be angry.  We can’t always remain positive. We need to let go of the negative energy that’s inside us. Vent, scream or beat a pillow, you need to let it go.)

Lessons Learned:

Life is … A Box of Chocolates


Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get…

I loved this from Forrest Gump. It was a great day, even despite the horrendous rash that has taken over my body; we drove to Breckenridge, took a little stroll in the snow, and stopped by for lunch at Bubba Gump. You know the shrimp company in the movie.  Delicious!

It took me about 10 minutes to figure the theme out and why the restaurant was called Bubba Gump, but I eventually did, and we had a good laugh. I guess a lot of us here are thinking that we got a pretty nasty box of chocolates…pulling out one nasty tasting chocolate after another…Yuck!

I’d like to think that even if it’s nasty tasting…there is still a sweetness to it, like for instance, the chocolate covering.   So, I savor the chocolate coating and just spit out the rest. At times, it can be difficult, but I will choose this over consuming the bitter taste and keeping it inside me and let the nastiness take over.

Ha, Ha. A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down. This is something I will always remember from my dad and my two best friends.     May they rest in peace.

Lessons Learned:  Gratitude:

Afraid of the Dark: My Faith Remains


You must be strong now. You must never give up! When people make you cry, or you are afraid of the dark, don’t forget the light is always there.

I know I heard this or read it somewhere. I need to remember; whether you can see it or not, the light is there. When you need strength, God is always there. I am getting a bit more worried lately that I will lose my sight. The eye pains are becoming more frequent, more intense and for longer durations. My sweetie noticed that I was becoming sensitive to light and suggested that I wear sunglasses.

The thing was, it was night time, and we were in our kitchen. I don’t want a repeat of losing my eyesight as I did previously with Lyme; I just don’t!

What happens when the strong and positive begin to falter?

I’m unsure what they do, but, I know what I’m going to do. I’m going to cherish every second that I can just in case the inevitable happens. Until then I’m going to push it out of my mind and love my life. Why worry over something that you have no control over anyway. I will just deal with it if it comes. I did say “if” because I have faith that everything will still be fine. I may shed a couple of tears, but I feel that I will be OK.

Gratitude:  Inspiration:

Laughter is good for the Soul


After having a phone consult with an LLMD and appointment, I have found out that not only is the Lyme active again but I have three other co-infections and a Liver fluke to boot!!!

Never give up!  Laughter is good for the soul. 

At this same time, my aunt found out that she may need a surgery that is very life-threatening and if she doesn’t do anything at all, she still won’t have much time left on this earth. I have been listening to her and know that I am very lucky. I have a wonderful life and will be able to stay and enjoy my time with family and friends.

I am determined that I am going to remain strong. I am not going to let this beat me. The pain in my eyes, headaches, brain fog, difficulty walking, shooting nerve pain, fever, chills, night sweats, etc., are not going to bring me down! My family and friends tell me that I don’t let them know how I am feeling.

The fact is, that despite all, I still love my life! I enjoy it. I know that I am on this earth only for a given time and I am going to make the most of it! I will try to be there for others that need an ear, a hand, or just a friendly smile. If I can offer some advice, I will try my best to help.

The other night when I was having some pretty bad chest pains along with other things, my husband became worried. He started checking my vitals and had a hard time finding my pulse…I couldn’t help myself. I said, “It’s official, I’m dead.”

He was mortified!  Then I started laughing and so did he. He just doesn’t get me sometimes. A laugh adds twenty minutes to your life. So, I plan on laughing a lot.  If you can’t laugh at yourself or your situation, what can you laugh at?

Lessons Learned:

Lose my Sight? (Again?)

superdog_by_william_krusche_via_flickr_2501Yes, I got scared! Three days in a row I had sharp pains, like pins poking in my left eye. Why did I get scared? Because the first time around I had these symptoms and I lost my sight. Albeit, it was short-lived but an experience I would never like to repeat. Lucky my “baby girl” sensed it before I knew it was coming. (Superdog!) She threw herself at me until I sat down and she was on me…seconds later it was black. She’s my special companion–she’s now 12. My pooch was paralyzed from Lyme Disease a year and a half later from her neck down her body; she recovered.  That’s another long story.

Along with all the other symptoms, I have had and am dealing with this one worries me the most. However, Sunday was a terrific day I felt like myself almost. You have to love those great days. But I still have faith that I will be better and stronger than I was before.  I just have to keep in mind as the LLMD stated about steroids “they are POISON, I mean POISON to your body.” Not that I made my previous decision lightly. I knew the risks and after a good cry was ready to deal with it.

If what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger, than many of us here on this site would be much, much, stronger than Superman. Lol  

Lessons Learned:  Pearls of Insight:  Gratitude:

My Mind Says Give Up! My Heart Won’t Let Me


I just can’t help it; maybe I’m too positive. I still love life and probably always will. I began this week not being able to wear clothes. It felt as if I was bruised all over my body. It also felt like I was burnt all over even breathing hurt. It lasted about two days, and each day after that it either became more bearable to me or was less–I’m not quite certain. My spine is still tender, but I make it a point to dress like I was going out somewhere. My short-term memory is short, short, short and, at times, nonexistent. I feel like I am watching myself through a movie and just can’t seem to get enough rest. The fatigue is just so intense at times.

I just look around and thank God for everything. I love my husband, my dog, my family, and my friends. I love looking at the mountains, the sunsets, the full moon, etc.  I just have this feeling that all will be OK. A sense of well-being and contentedness. I know I will get through this stronger in mind, body, and soul. We will all get through this I know, not all the same way, and the way we imagine but we will get through it. For we all have our purpose here on earth so I guess I better go and do what I can and enjoy every minute of life.

My mind says give up, but my heart won’t let me. As Evander Holyfield says:  “It is not the size of the man but the size of his heart that matters.”  I may add, it is also the strength of your heart too that matters. 

Gratitude:  Lessons Learned:  Inspiration:

The War Has Begun


…”You must be strong now. You must never give up. And when people make you cry and you are afraid of the dark, don’t forget the light is always there”…

Well, here I go again! I had almost six wonderful years of being recovered from my chronic Lyme Disease. It was just a blessing. Now, after battling it out and thinking I will recover from my surgery in April, I am preparing for my battle once again. I may not win the War but I WILL ALWAYS WIN THE BATTLE. It has re-emerged in full, blown service. However, this battle is just beginning. I will emerge stronger and better than I was before. I SHALL WIN THIS BATTLE!!!

Life is always full of surprises and I will respond with a surprise of my own because I intend to win!

Lessons Learned:  Inspiration:  Gratitude: 

How It All Began with Lyme Disease

LymeWarsHow It All Began

After becoming completely debilitated six weeks after having a tick embedded in me, I recovered from Lyme after a year and half of treatment with conventional and modern Chinese medicine; I did well for six years. After surgery in 2009, the battle began again. It took a year of antibiotic and unconventional treatment to overcome Babesia. In my life, I have been able to overcome Babesia, Bartonella, and Lyme; I plan on remaining well.  (You may also want to read, What I Wish My PCP Knew. If more physicians knew about the seriousness,  if left untreated, I would not have had to lose my sight and motor skills.)

I have found that more are curious as to my experiences with these three beasts: Lyme, Babesia, and Bartonella. Thus, I am sharing with you “Woman Shares Ordeal with Lyme Disease” as it appeared in the Daily Jefferson County Union, my hometown newspaper, on February 11, 2010. Later, I shared my story again with Brandilyn Collins on her website. (below)

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